怎样写初一的英文自我讲解? 是否有英语书面表达讲解我最喜欢的科目 3年级英语自我讲解简短版? Hello, My Chinese name is Lijun, and my English is Jimy. I am fourteen years old. I am a cool boy. I like reading. My...
Hello, My Chinese name is Lijun, and my English is Jimy. I am fourteen years old. I am a cool boy. I like reading. My favourite food is apple. T
here are three people in my family, it is my mom, dad, and I. And I am so happy to meet you. Thank you!
Hello everyone,my name is Lily.I am 7 years old.I am a pretty girl.I like singing and dancing.I like pandas,they are cute.I like rabbits,they are cute,too.Nice to meet you all.
Hello everyone, my name is Chanel. I come from an ordinary family and I will introduce myself.
I am thirteen years old and my father and mother are both teachers, although my father is a secondary school history teacher and my mother is a university professor of French. Their profession and occupation make me proud, and I dream of becoming a teacher and going on to teach art.
I am average in appearance, but I have long dark and waterfall-like hair, which gives me a lot of confidence.
I like to watch superheroes, which will give me a lot of strength to face all the bad things.
Thats me.
发布于:中宇考试网(https://edu.china-share.com)>>> 初一栏目
怎样写初一的英文自我讲解? 是否有英语书面表达讲解我最喜欢的科目 3年级英语自我讲解简短版? Hello, My Chinese name is Lijun, and my English is Jimy. I am fourteen years old. I am a cool boy. I like reading. My...
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