


The nursing home is looking for volunteers who are willing to spend some time with the elderly. If you are interested, please join us on Saturday, March 18th.

Volunteering at the nursing home is a meaningful way to show your respect and care for the old people. You can chat with them, play games with them, or help them with some daily tasks. They will appreciate your company and kindness.

As college students, we should take part in volunteering activities more often. It can enrich our life experience, improve our social skills, and cultivate our sense of responsibility. It can also make a positive difference in our society.

Please sign up at the student union office before Friday if you want to be a volunteer. We hope to see you there!


last sunday we went to visit the old peoples home.we set out early in the morning and brought them lots of warmness.we gave them many books and lots of fruits.we talked with them happily and told them lots of interesting stories.we helped them wash their clothes and clean the rooms.we even taught them how to use computers.we were very happy and so were the old.when we had to say goodbye to them,they really didnt want us to go.they Step 9,20xx Sunday Today my classmates and I


A Letter of ApplicationDear Sir or Madam,Learning the news from the official channel of the Organizing Committee of 29th Olympic Games that Beijing Olympia has commenced/started to recruit volunteers,...

1 养老院需志愿者2 因为志愿者可以为老大家提供支持和陪伴,帮他们过上更有意义的生活3 假设你想成为养老院的志愿者,请联系养老院的负责人,还表达你的热情和愿望。作为志愿者,你可以参与养老院的各自不同的活动,与老大家交流,为他们带来快乐和温暖。同时,志愿者也需尊重老大家的隐私和自由,不要强迫他们做任何事情。



Yesterday we went to Happiness Nursing House to help the old people.

When we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by the old people. First we introduced ourselves. Then we were packing Zhongzi together with the old, talking and laughing. After lunch, we performed and sang songs with them happily. Finally all the old people said goodbye to us at the gate.

At the end of the day, we were very happy because we did a good deed. I think it necessary for us teenagers to learn how to respect and take care of the others, especially, the old . It is also a tradional virtue to help the old.



第一篇:志愿者 volunteer  nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering. it’s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return. it’s like the leifeng spirit. however, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this trend. for instance, the 2023 beijing olympic games has so many volunteers. they made lots of contribution to the success of opening the olympics. moreover, we can often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people. even there are some people’s career is volunteer. they are ready to help others. although the volunteers are much more common, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society.  现目前,有更多的人加入到志愿服务行业。大家现在都知道,志愿者工作是对社会的无私奉献。就像雷锋精神一样。然而虽然意识到这一点但还是有不少人愿意贡献于这个行业。比如,2023年北京奥运会有这么多的志愿者。他们为奥运会的成功举行做了不少的奉献。除开这点我们常常可以看到,有不少学生去敬老院看望老人给他们带去温暖。甚至有部分人的职业就是志愿者。他们时刻备好去帮别人。虽然志愿者是越来越常见了,但我们也还是要感谢他们钦佩他们为社会贡献自己。

第二篇:志愿服务的益处 the benefits of volunteering  nowadays, an increasing number of people are willing to serve as volunteers especially the university students in that they consider that volunteering is not only a great contribution to our society and those who are in need, but also improves themselves in many aspects.  现目前,更多的人愿意成为志愿者特别是大学生,因为他们认为志愿服务不单单是对社会有重要奉献还对那些有需的人,而且,还在多方面提高了自己。  for one thing, there is no doubt that volunteering makes contribution to our society and people in need. the volunteers provide their assistance without requiring any financial rewards. their contributions have a great impact on harmony society contribution.  一个方面,毫无疑问的是志愿服务对我们的社会做奉献和有需的人。志愿者不要求回报的提供帮。他们的奉献对和谐社会有很大的影响。  for another, serving as a volunteer is also beneficial to the volunteers themselves. they can improve their communication skills when providing help for others. one of the examples is that the university students who serve in canton fair will get a great chance to practical their english and get in touch with different kinds of people as well as broad their horizon. in addition, by serving as different kinds of volunteers, they are easier to understand themselves and know in which fields they are interested.  另外一个方面,作为一个志愿者,针对志愿者自己也是有利的。在提供帮的同时他们可以提升自己的沟通技巧。这当中一个例子是,广交会服务的大学生可以得到锻炼英语的机会,还可以接触到各自不同的各样的人来开阔视野。除开这点成为不一样类型的志愿者,他们更容易了解自己,清楚兴趣之所在。  in a word, volunteering has brought many benefits to our society, those who are in need as well as the volunteers themselves. therefore, let us enjoy the time when serving as a volunteer.







我每天呼吸着清新的空气,享受着干净的环境,心情更舒畅,更开朗。可是有一天,我和考生们一起回家时,却感觉不到往日城市的美丽。究竟是什么让我们的城市“变了样”呢?我们到处找寻。哦!原来破坏环境的罪魁祸首就是“牛皮癣”。说到这“牛皮癣”,它虽然是小小的一张纸,但是,被贴在墙上后大家就超级难把它清理下来,它就像牛皮癣一样顽固。怎样才可以把环境变回原样呢?我和考生们商量后决定做一次“清洁小义工”。次日,我很早的时候地起了床,带上工具:小铲子、小水桶、小剪刀,一样也很多。我还没有走到广场,就听见考生们在叫我了,原来他们比我还来得早。“小清、小丽你们到那边去清理。” “小刚、小平你们到这边。” 一向担任中队长的我发出了指令,于是各位考生马上分头行动。我和小晴来到一堵墙前,用水把“牛皮癣”弄湿,然后就用小铲子把墙上的“牛皮癣”一点一点地刮下来……终于把墙上的“牛皮癣”全清完了,我们腰也默默的闭上嫉妒的眼镜。手也软了。在收拾东西准备回去时,看到一位叔叔正想把“牛皮癣”往墙上贴,我们抓紧跑过去,说:“叔叔,清洁工阿姨和我们这么辛苦才把‘牛皮癣’清完,难道你就忍心破坏我们的劳动成果吗?”在我旁边一向快嘴的小晴也说:“是,我们清‘牛皮癣’是很辛苦的!”叔叔听了,把想贴的“牛皮癣”搓成一团,扔进垃圾桶里,红着脸走了。路过的大家都夸我们是勤劳的“清洁小义工”。是,只要我们人人都行动起来,保护我们周围环境,我们的城市一定会更干净,更美丽。各位考生行动起来吧。让美无处不在!








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