



Unit 5 Our School Life

Topic1 How do you go toschool?


1. wake up醒来,唤醒 get up 起床

2. go to school 去上学 gohome 回家

3. go dancing / shopping / skating / swimming 去跳舞;购物、滑冰;游泳

go doingsomething 可用于表达去进行某种娱乐休闲活动。

4. 表示交通方法:

on foot 步行

by boat 坐船 by ship 坐船 by air 乘飞机

by plane 乘飞机 by train 坐火车 by subway搭乘地铁

by car 坐小汽车 bybus 坐公共汽车 by bike 骑自行车

5. take the subway / bus / car 搭乘地铁;公共汽车;小汽车

6. drive a car to work = go to work by car 驾车去上班

take a bus to work = go towork by bus 乘公共汽车去上班

go to school on foot = walkto school 步行去上学

7. ride a bike / horse 骑自行车;骑马

8. after school / class放学以后;下课以后

9. play the piano / guitar /violin 弹钢琴;吉他;小提琴

play basketball / soccer /football 打篮球;踢足球;打橄榄球

play computer games 玩电脑游戏

play with a computer 玩电脑

play sports 做运动

10. next to 紧挨着,在…旁边

11. a plan of my school 一幅我们学校的平面图

12. on weekdays 在工作日

at weekends 在星期六和星期天

13. have breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner / meals 吃早餐;中餐;晚餐;正餐;一日三餐

have classes / lessons / a meeting 上课;上课;开会

14. watch TV / movies / games / the animals 看电视;电影;比赛;动物

read novels / newspapers /books看小说;报纸;书

15. wash one’s face /clothes 洗脸;衣服

16. 反义词:up – down,early – late 近义词:quickly – fast

get up early 早起 be late for 迟到

17. the first / second / third / fourth day 第一;二;三;四天

18. clean the house打扫房子

19. 表示建筑物(特别学校建筑物):

on the playground 在操场

at school / home / table 在学校;家里;桌旁

in a computerroom / teachers’ office / classroom building / gym / library / lab / canteen


20. around six o’clock = at about six o’clock 大概在六点

21. 频率副词:never,seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always


1. It’s time to get up. 该起床时了。

It’s time forbreakfast. = It’s time to have breakfast = It’s time for having breakfast.该吃早饭了

2. You must go to school early.你一定要早点去上学。(主观原因导致“一定要”)

I have to wash my facequickly. 我不可以不快速地洗脸。(客观原因导致“一定要”)

3. Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快乐!也祝你新年快乐!

4. How about you? = What about you?你怎么样?

5. It tastes good. 它尝起来很好。 It sounds good.它听起来很好。

6. How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by bike.


What do you usually doafter school? I usually play computer games.


7. How does she usually go to work? She usually goes to work by car.


What does heusually do after class? He usually reads novels.


8. The early bird catches the worm! 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。/ 笨鸟先飞。

9. Where’s Mr. Zhou going? He’s going to Shanghai. 周先生将要去哪里?他将要去上海。



1. 区别含有be动词和行为动词的肯定句式。

I am at home.√ I stay at home.√ 【 Iam stay at home. ×She stay at home. ×】

2. 大多数情况下疑问句、否定句表达的不一样方法:

Are you at home? Doyou stay at home? Does she stay athome?

Yes, I am. No, I am not. Yes, I do. No, Idon’t. Yes, she does. No, shedoesn’t.

I am not at home. Idon’t stay at home. She doesn’tstay at home.

3. 主语为第三人称单数时,谓语行为动词的变化。

She plays computer games on Sundays.

She studies English everymorning.

She goes to school onweekdays.

She has breakfast at 6:45.

4. 用法:

(1) 表示目前的状况:I am ateacher. You are student. They are in London.

(2) 表示常常的或习惯性的动作:Iusually go to school on foot. She plays tennis every morning.

(3) 表示主语具备的性格和能力等:Helikes playing basketball. They do the cooking.


1. 基本句式结构:I am playing with a computer.

2. 目前分词构成法:

go – goingplay – playing have– having drive – driving

run – running swim – swimming begin – beginning

3. 用法:

(1)表示目前已经在进行的动作:She is having dinner. 她已经在用餐。

(2)方位动词的目前进行时可用来表示将要出现的动作:I’m going. 我要走了。



How do you usually go to school? I usually go to school by bike.

I’m riding a bike now.

What’s she doing? She’sdancing.

Do you often go to thelibrary?

Topic 2 How often do you have an English class?

一、 重点词语:

1. 学科名词:

政治politics ; 语文Chinese ; 数学math; 英语English; 历史history;地理geography;

生物biology; 音乐music ; 体育P.E.; 美术Art

2. 一周七天名词:

星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四星期五 星期六

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday

3. swimming pool 游泳池

4. listen to music 听音乐 write letters 写信 goroller-skating 滑滑轮

go shopping 去购物 havean English class 上英语课 go to the park 去公园

meet friends 会见朋友 drawpictures 画画 play sports 做运动

watch TV 看电视 playcomputer games 玩电脑游戏 playsoccer 踢足球

work on mathproblems 解答数学题 take exercises 做运动

learn aboutthe past 学习历史 learn how to read and write in Chinese 学着用中文读写

play ball games with myclassmates 和我的同班考生玩球类游戏

5. be good at = do well in 擅长于… I am good at English. = Ido well in English.

6. be different from 与…不一样 the same as 与…一样

7. do outdoor activities 进行户外活动

8. every week 每周 eachday 每天 three times a week 每周三次

9. 反义词:boring –interestingdifficult – easy begin – finish

近义词:difficult – hard

10. care about 关心;担心

11. try to do something 尝试去做某事

12. do one’s best 尽力去做某事do one’s homework 做家作

13. like doing something = love doing something 喜欢做某事

hate doing something 讨厌做某事

14. noon break 午休

15. athalf past six = at thirty past six = at six thirty六点半at seven o’clock = at seven 在七点

at fivefifteen = at fifteen past five = at a quarter past five五点十五分

at fifteen to ten = at aquarter to ten = at nine forty-five 九点四十五分

16. for a little while 就一会儿

17. a student of Grade One 一年级的学生

18. eat out 出去吃

19. get home 到家


1. Which place do you like best? I like the computer room best.你最喜欢哪个地方?我最喜欢电脑室。

2. Swimming is my favorite sport. = I like swimming best. 游泳是我最喜欢的运动。

3. Why do you think so? Because he likes sleeping. 你为啥想?因为他喜欢睡觉。

4. How often do you go to the library? Very often. 你常常去图书馆吗?常常。

5. Peter is good at soccer ball. 彼特擅长与足球。

6. My interest is different from theirs. 我的兴趣和他们的明显不同。

7. How many lessons do you have every day? 你每天上多少节课?

8. What time is school over? 具体是什么时候放学?

9. I try to do my best each day. 每天我都尽力做到最好。

10. And if I always do my best, I need not care about the test. 假设我总是尽力,我就不用担心考试

11. After dinner, I often do my homework and then watch TV for alittle while.


三、语法学习:以How,Wh- 开头的疑问句。

疑问词:how often, how long, how soon,how old, how many, how much, how big, how heavy, how wide, how far, what, when,who, whose, whom, where, which, why, what color, what time, what class…



Which place do you like best? I like the computerroom best.

What’s your favorite subject? Math is.

How often do you…? Everyday. Always. Often. Seldom. Never. Sometimes.

Do you like going to…?Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

How many lessons do youhave every day? We have seven lessons every day..

When do morning classesbegin? At 7:20.

***Topic3 I like the schoollife here.


1. 反义词:first –lastborrow – return / give back

2. 名词单数转化复数:life –lives shelf – shelves leaf – leaves half – halves life - lives

3. between… and… 在…与…当中

4. school hall 学校大厅

5. else, other 别的

6. Lost and Found Room 失物招领处

7. the school life 学校生活

8. most of them 他们相当大一部分all pupils 全部的学生few pupils 很少学生

9. spare time 空闲时间

10. have a short sleep 休息片刻

11. and so on 等等

12. on time 及时

13. Here it is. = Here you are. 给你

14. Our School Times 《学校时报》 Everyday Science 《每日科技》

15. get to school 到校get home 到家

16. learn…from 向…学习

17. 名词变成形容词:wonder– wonderful, use – useful, care – careful, beauty - beautiful

interest –interesting excite - exciting


1. Welcome to our school. 欢迎到我们学校来。

2. What do you think of our school? It’s very nice. 你觉得我们学校怎么样?它很漂亮。

3. Let me find it on the computer first. 第一让我在电脑上找到它。

4. Wait a minute. = Just a minute. 等一等。

5. Mary can’t find her purse and we’re looking for it. 玛丽没有找到她的钱包,我们已经在找它。

6. Is there anything else in it? No, there isn’t. 里面还不一样的吗?不,没有了。

7. Thank you anyway. = Thank you all the same. 也还是谢谢你。

Thank you foryour hard work. 谢谢你们的努力工作。

Thank you for asking me. 谢谢你邀请我。

8. Almost all the pupils walk or take a yellow school bus. 基本上全部的小学生都步行或坐黄色的校车。

Very few pupils ride bikes. 很少小学生骑自行车。

Most of them have lunch atschool. 他们大多数在学校吃午饭。

9. I read them with great interest. 我带着非常大的兴趣读它们。

10. We’ll let you know if we find yours. 假设我们找到你的(钱包)我们会让你清楚的。

11. May I ask you some questions? Yes, please 我可以问你哪些问题吗?

13. Where do you come from? I come from Australia. = Where are you from? I’mfrom Australia.


Which city of Australiado you come from? 你来自澳大利亚哪个城市?

14. How long can I keep it? Two weeks. 我能借多久?两个星期。

15. Do you have a problem? 你有问题吗?

三、语法学习:There is / are… 的学习。

1. 用法:表示存在。什么时候或者地址位置“有”什么东西

2. 几种基本句式:

There is a book and two pens on the desk. 桌上有一本书和两支笔。






have a rest 休息一下

read books 读书

go swimming 去游泳

listen to music 听音乐


********仁爱英语七年级下册重要内容及核心考点语言点学习总结; Unit 7 The Birthday Party;Topic1 Can you dance?;一、词汇:;

1. Happy Birthday!生日快乐!;

2. take photos拍照;3. work out作出,处理;4. how about/what about如何,怎样;5. fly kites放风筝;6. row a boat划船;7. perform ballet ]表演芭蕾舞;8. dance the disco跳迪斯科;9. make model planes做飞机模型;10. draw pictures画画;11. show sb. sth.给某人看某物;12. two years ago两年前;13. be in hospital(生病)住院;二、句型:;1.What are you going to perform at Kangkang’s birthday party?你打算在康康的生日晚会上表演什么?;“be going to+动词原形”的句型经常会用到来表示打算、准备做某事或马上就要出现或肯定要出现某事,be是助动词,有人称和数的变化,如:;He is going to have a swim this afternoon.;2.What about /How about +名词、代词或动名词,意为“……怎么样?”经常会用到来表示对……有什么不一样的看法,或表示建议、询问的方法,如:;How/What about sitting here to look at the moon?坐在这儿赏月怎么样?;3.I only can sing English songs.我仅仅会唱英文歌曲。(情态动词can的用法);They couldn’t sing any English songs two years ago.两年前他们不会唱英文歌曲。;不短的一个时期+ago:表示在……时间之前,如:three months ago90天之前;4.What will you buy for Kangkang as a birthday present?你要给康康买什么礼物?;“will+动词原形”表以后。;5.I can play the guitar.;三、定冠词the 的用法                  ;1) 定冠词特指某(些)人或某(些)事物, 以区别于同一类型中其他的人或事物。 The bag in the desk is mine. 桌子里的书包是我的。 Is this the book you are looking for?   这是你要找的书吗? Do you know the man in black?  你清楚穿黑色衣服的人是谁吗?     It is not the car we are looking for. 这不是我们要找的车。           The man has found his child.  那个人找到了他的孩子。                 2) 定冠词用来指上文中已提到过的人或事物。 I bought abook from Xinhua book-shop. The book costs 15 yuan.   我从新华书店买了一本书.这本书值十五元。 I saw a film yesterday.The film was ended at eight oclock.   我上一天看了一场电影。电影八点钟结束的。 Lucy bought a radio yesterday, but she found something was wrong with the radio.   露西上一天买了一台收音机,但是,她发现收音机有问题。 3) 定冠词用于表示世界上独一无二的事物或用于自然界情况或方位名词以前。 the sun the moon the earth the sky the world the sea The sun is bigger than the moon.  太阳比月亮大。 I can see a bird in the sky.  我能看到天空中有一只小鸟。                   I like tohave a walk with the bright moon light in the evening. 我愿晚上在明亮的月光下散步。                  4) 定冠词与单数名词连用,表示这种类型人或物。 The dog is not too danger. 狗不太危险。 The cat is an animal.  猫是一种动物。                The umbrella in the shop is very cheap in this season. 这个季节商店里的雨伞很便宜。              5) 定冠词与某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化, 表示某一类人。 the poor,the rich, the wounded, the sick, the deaf. The wounded were brought to the hospital.  受伤者被送到了医院。          He always helps the poor.  他常常帮穷人。                   The deaf cango to this special school. 耳聋者可以进这所特殊学校上学。         6) 用在序数词, 形容词最高级和表示方位的名词前。 This is thebiggest city in China I have ever visited.  这是我在中国参观的最大的城市。    I saw aplane coming from the east. 我看见一架飞机从东方飞来。                 He is the lastone to help me. 他不会来帮我的。                7) 定冠词用在演奏乐器的名称和文艺活动,运动场所的名称前。 The little girl likes to play the violin. 小女孩喜欢拉小提琴。               They are going to the cinema tonight.  他们今晚要去影院看电影。               The theater was on fire last week. 剧院上一天着火了。                8) 定冠词用在报刊,杂志的名称的名词以前。 I am reading the China Daily now. 我目前正在念中国日报。                Have you got the Evening Paper yet? 你拿到晚报了吗? The Times is a foreign newspaper.  泰晤士报是一家外国报纸。                 The PekingReview is on the desk.  北京周报在桌子上放着。                 9) 定冠词用在江河,海洋,山脉,群岛的名称以前。 We live near the Yellow River. 我们住在黄河边上。              The Changjiang Riveris the biggest one in China.长江是中国最大的河。                 The Himalayas is located in Tibet.喜马拉雅山位于西藏。                 10) 定冠词用在姓名复数以前,表示一家人。 The Greens is very kind to us.  格林一家人待我们很好。              The Whites like the classic music.   怀特一家喜欢古典音乐。               不需要冠词的场合。 1) 专有名词,抽象名词和物质名词以前大多数情况下不需要冠词。 China is a largest country in the world. 中国是世界上最大的国家。               I think water is a kind of food, too. 我觉得水也是一种食物。                 Cotton feels soft.  棉花摸起来柔软。                2) 表示平日餐食名词以前不需要冠词,但假设指详细的饮食时用定冠词 the。 Its timefor breakfast.  该吃早饭了。 What do youhave for lunch? 你午饭吃点什么? The dinner Ihad at that restaurant was expensive. 我在那家饭店吃的饭很贵。                   3) 在季节,月份,星期,节日。球类运动,棋类游戏的名词以前不需要冠词。 Summer is hot and winter is cold here. 这儿夏天热冬天冷。                 New YearsDay is coming. 新年就要到啦。                  Today is the first day of May. 今天是五月的第一天。                   We are going to play basketball this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去打篮球。                 We dontlike bridge very much. 我们不太喜欢桥牌。 4)语言的名称前不需要冠词。 Can youspeak English?  你会讲英语吗? Its difficult to learn Chinese well. 要学好中文超级难。                  Tom knows English but he doesnt know French. 汤姆懂英语但不懂法语。                  5) 某些固定词组不需要冠词。 by air, on foot, at night, after school, at home, go to class, in fact, from morning tillnight. Im going to Chicago by air next week.  下周我要乘飞机去芝加哥。 I go to school on foot . 我步行去学校上学。                  In fact, I dont know him at all.  其实,我一点也不认识他。                 He is athome today.  他今天在家。               ;Topic2 Whenis your birthday?;一、词汇:;1.first of all第一;2.have a birthday party 举行生日晚会(聚会);3.have a special dinner吃一顿特殊的晚餐;4.forget to do sth.忘记去做某事;5.That’s a good idea!真是好主意!;6.make a cake做蛋糕;7.be born出生;8.the shape of ……的形状;9.I’m afraid…我恐怕,我担心……;二、 句型:;1. When is your birthday,Kangkang?康康,你的生日是具体是什么时候?;May the eighteenth.五月十八日。;(1)“when”可以就年、月、日和钟点进行提问,而“what time”只可以就钟点进行提问。;(2)英语中日期有几种表示方式:;a.把月份写在日期前面,这一般是美国写法。如:March 21st,2023 读作March the twenty-first, two thousand and one(2023年3月21日);b.先写日子,再写月份和年,这一般是英国写法。如::21stMarch,2023读作thetwenty-first of March, two thousand and one;2. -I beg it’s going to be fun.我敢断定肯定有趣。-You bet.当然了。;3. What day is it today? It’sFriday.;询问星期用What day…? 回答用It……如:;What day is it today? It’s Wednesday. 或Today is Wednesday.;4. What’s the date today? It’s May21st,2023.;询问日期用What’s the date…?如:What’s the date the day afternoon?;5. Tomorrow is your mom’sbirthday.;名词全部格表示名词当中的所属关系。大多数情况下有两种表示方法,一种是在名词后加 s 构成,一种是用 of 全部格。;(1) 表示有生命的人或物的名词,在词尾加 s 来表示从属关系,如:; Mary’s school bag my sister’s cat; (2) 以 s 结尾的名词,表示全部格只在后面加’,如:;the boys’ game the teachers’ chairs ; (3) 由 and 连接两个或两个以上的单数名词,表示共相关系,这时只在最后一个名词后加 s ,如:;Tom and Mike’s sister;Jack and John’s room;Tom’s and Jack’s fathers; (4) 无生命东西的名词,大多数情况下都与 of 构成短语,表示所属关系, 如:;a map of China a picture of my school;6. How shall we celebrate it?我们要怎样庆祝呢?;Shall we have a special dinner?我们吃一顿特别的晚餐怎么样?;“Shall I…/Shall we…”用于示表示建议或征求意见,也可以用“疑问词+shall +I / we…”如:Shall we go swimming this afternoon?今天下午我们去游泳好吗?;What time shall we start?我们该具体是什么时候出发?;7. Don’t forget to buy a birthday cake.别忘了买生日蛋糕。;forget的用法:;(1) 接名词或代词,如:;I forget his name.我忘了他的名字。; Don’t forget me.别忘了我。;(2)接不定式,意为“忘记要做某事”,如:; Please don’t forget to close the door when you leave.你离开时请别忘了关门。;(3)接动词ing形式,意为“忘记做过某事”,如:;I forget meeting you in Beijing.我忘了在北京见到过你。;8. Kangkang is going to bethirteen on May the eighteenth.;介词on ,in和at放在时间前的用法:;(1)on放在某一或某些确定或无法确定时间前,如某天(某些天),某天的上午,下午或晚上,如:;onAugust 18th,1980 在1980年8月18日;onSunday 在星期天 on Saturday evening在星期六的晚上;ona cold day 在一个寒冷的日子on Children’s Day在儿童节;(2)in表示在不短的一个时期,多放在年、月、季节等时间前,如:;insummer在夏天 in July在七月in the morning在早上;(3)at用在某一时刻、年纪、夜晚、中午等时间前,如:;at8 o’clock在八点 at night在夜晚;atnoon在中午 at the age of ten 在十岁时;9. When were you born?你具体是什么时候出生?;I was born in June ,1970.我生于1970年6月。;10. Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t.;I’m afraid时常基本上等同于I’m sorry, but…可用来引出带有歉意的句子,表求一种担忧,语气较缓和,如:I’m afraid I can’t come.(=I’m sorry, but I can’t come.); 四、序数词;表示数目顺序的词用序数词。                  1) 序数词1━19 除第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九, 第十二变化不规则外, 其余均由在 基数词后加上 -th。 2) 十位整数的序数词的构成方式是, 是将十位整数基数词的词尾 -y 变成 i 再加 -eth。 3) 几十几的序数词,只是把个位数变成序数词, 十位数不变。 序数词的用法: 序数词主 要用作定语,表语。前面要加定冠词 the。;Topic3 We hada wonderful party.;一、 词汇:;1. lots of=a lot of 不少;2. tell a lie撒谎;3. in fact其实,其实;4. fall down跌倒;5. be funny有趣;6. have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快;7. blow out 吹灭;8. not…at all一点也不,根本不;9. not …till/until直到……才;10. hurt oneself受伤;11. as well也;12. magic tricks魔术;13. rock songs摇滚歌曲;14. cross-talk相声;二、 句型:;1. He performed magic tricks.; 大多数情况下过去时的句子构成.;(1) My mother didn’t go to workyesterday.;(2) Did you go to the zoo lastSunday? Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t .; 2.I have a lot ofwork to do as well.我还有不少工作要做。; as well意为“除……之外,也,又”,只可以放在句末作状语,与too的用法一样,可互换使用。as well as是连词,用来连接两个名词形容词等,如:;Lu Xun is a great writer, and a fearless fighter as well.鲁迅是个伟大的作家,也是个无畏的战士。;***************************************************************************;其它内容,请看看附件。


一、单项选择 20分

1、- Would you like to sing some songs with me ? -__________

A . Yes , I would B . Yes , I ‘d love to C . No , I don’t like

2、We don’t have _______ milk . We need to buy some .

A . a B . some C . any

3、- Who is that ? -_______

A . I am Sally B . This is Sally C . You are Sally

4、- Is there a computer in your study ? ________

A . Yes , it is B . No , there isn’t C . Yes , they are

5、-_______ do you think of English ? - It’s interesting .

A . What B . How C. Why

6、- What ‘s in the picture ? -________ a garden in it .

A . It’s B . There’s C . That’s

7、There _______ some books in my bag .

A . have B . are C . has

8、There _______ some milk 、cakes and hamburgers on the table .

A . is B . are C . have

9、I like _______ , but I don’t want to swim today .

A . swiming B . to swim C . swimming

10、-_______ is it tomorrow ? - It’s Sunday .

A . What time B . What day C . What

11、It’s 8:00 . It is time ________ go to school .

A . for B . to C . on


13、-_______ do you have a class meeting ? – Every week .

A . How many B . How long C . How ofen

14、- What are you doing ? – I _______ computer games .

A . playing B . am playing C . play

15、She usually ________ bike on the playground , but now she ________

A . ride , run B . rides , runs C . rides , is running

16、-How long may I ______ the books ? – Two weeks .

A . borrow B . have C . keep

17、I’m sitting _______ LiLei and Kangkang .

A . between B . in C. next to

18、How about ________ for a picnic with me , Kangkang ?

A . go B . going C . to go

19、LiLei and Kangkang ________ about their school life .

A . are talking B . are speaking C . are telling

20、Lucy , don’t put your books here . ________ , please .

A . Put them away B . Put away them C . Put it away

二、口语运用 15分

1、 从B栏中找出A栏的一定程度上答语言。5分

( )1. How do you usually go to school ? A . There are some books .

( )2 .What day is it today ? B . Because it’s interesting .

( )3. What’s on the desk ? C . It’s Wednesday .

( )4 . Which subject do you like best ? D . By bike

( )5. Why dou you like it ? E . I like English best .

2、 从方框中选择一定程度上的句子完成对话。10分

A: 1 . Where is the A Wu Restaurant ?

B: Sorry , I don’t know . I am new here . 2

A: Thank you all the same .

A: Excuse me , could you tell me . 3 ?

C: A Wu Restaurant ? It’a very far from here . You need to take the NO. 32 bus . The bus station is about 200 meters away . 4 It’s on your left .

A: 5

C: You’re welcome .

A . Thanks a lot .

B . Excuse me .

C . You can ask the policeman for help .

D. how I can get to the A Wu Restaurant

E. Go along this street , and turn right at the first street .


Jane 1 her bedroom because she likes sleeping(睡觉). Michael likes the 2 room best for he often watches TV and does many things there. Kangkang likes the dining room because she likes 3 . They are all my good friends. 4 Sundays they often come to my home. I 5 a dining room. 6 a round table and four 7 in it. We eat meals and drink 8 and talk 9 English. 10 there any dining rooms in your house?

( ) 1. A. like B. liking C. loves D. love

( ) 2. A. live B. living C. dining D. bedroom

( ) 3. A. eat B. sleep C. eating D. dancing

( ) 4. A. On B. In C. At D. For

( ) 5. A. have B. has C. am D. is

( ) 6. A. There are B. There be C. There is D. Having

( ) 7. A. chair B. desk C. chairs D. desks

( ) 8. A. meat B. apple C. rice D. tea

( ) 9. A. on B. about C. at D. to

( ) 10. A. Is B. Are C. Be D. Am



Tom works in a supermarket . The supermarket is far from his house . He gets up very early in the morning . He usually has breakfast at half past six and takes a bus to work . He has lunch in the supermarket . He has supper with his family at home . After supper he usually walks along the river with his wife . At seven he watches TV or listen to the radio .

Tom likes his work very much . He is always friendly to others . And all his friends love him , too . They work happily .


( ) 1. Tom is a worker in an office .

( ) 2. Tom’s house isn’t far away from the supermarket .

( ) 3. He doesn’t have lunch with his family .

( ) 4. He likes his work and is kind to others .

( ) 5. He isn’t a good worker .


Mr. Brown is 80 years old . Every morning he goes for a walk in the park . And he comes home at twelve thirty for lunch . But today a car stops at his house . At twelve , two policemen help him get out . One of then says to Mr. Brown’s daughter , “ The old man can’t find his way in the park . He asks us to take him home by car .” The thanks the policemen and the policemen leave . Then she asks her father ,” Dad , you go to that park every day . But today , you can’t find the way . What’s wrong with you ? “ The old man smiles like a child (像孩子一样笑起来) and says ,” I can find my way . I don’t want to walk home .”


( ) 1.Every day Mr. Brown often comes home at __________

A . twelve B . half past twelve C . eleven thirty

( ) 2.Today Mr. Brown comes home __________

A . by car B . by bus C . on foot

( ) 3.The policeman says Mr . Brown ______ in the park .

A . doesn’t want to walk home B . can’t find his way home C . knows the way

( ) 4.Mr . Brown ‘s daughter thinks _________

A . he wants to have lunch early B . he wants to go home C . something is wrong with him

( ) 5.Mr .Brown hs lunch _________

A . at homen B in the park C . at twelve



Basketball Game

Place : School Gym

Time : 4:30 P.M.- 5:30 P.M.

Team : Class 1


Class 2


Old house in center of the city .One bedroom and ane kitchen . $500 per month .

Please call Mr. Ling

Tel : 332-0178


                     Zoo Zoo



( )1. The game begins at ________ .

A . 4:30 in the morning B . 5:30 in the afternoon C . 4:30 in the afternoon

( )2. Is there a basketball game between Class 1 and Class 2 on the playground ?

A . Yes , there is B . No , there isn’t C . I don’t know

( )3. You can rent an old house ________ from Mr. Ling

A. ¥500 a month B. $500 a month C. 450yuan a month

( )4. Can you rent a house with a bedroom , a kitchen and a living room , $500 a month ?

A. Yes , I can B . No , I can C . No , I can’t

( )5. You want to go to the zoo , go along the road , turn right at the first street . The zoo is on your left . Which picture is right ?


看Li Lan 的课程表,完成下方罗列出来的各题。






















Computer science














P. E



P. E











Class meeting


Outdoor activities

( )1.Li Lan has ______ English lessons every week .

A . 4 B . 5 C . 6

( )2.How often does she have Computer science ?

A. once a week B . twice a week C . Never

( )3.How many lessons does she have a day ?

A. 4 B . 5 C . 6

( )4.It’s 8:30 , on Tuesday . What is she doing ? She is __________

A. having a Chinese lesson B . having an English lesson

C . having a music lesson

( )5. Does she have Music lessons in the afternoon ?

A Yes , shs does . B , No , she doen’t C . I don’t know .



Jiangbin Road Zhongshan Road











Post Office

1.—Excuse me , is there a bank near here ?

-Yes , Go up this ____1____ to the end , and you’ll find it on your ____2____ .

2.—Excuse me , ____3______ can I get to the bookstore ?

-Go along Xinhua Street and turn left at the first street . Go across the ____4_____. It’s about 100 merers along on the right .

3.—Excuse me , ____5_____ is the way to the post office ?

-Sorry , I don’t know . I'm ____6_____ here .

-Thank you all the same .


1、 单词归类,从所给6个单词中找出2个与其他不属同一类的单词。10分

­­­⑴____________ _____________ ( bus , TV , train , plane , music , subway )

⑵____________ _____________ ( Sunday , Tuesday , geography , Friday , history , Monday )

⑶____________ _____________( bookstore , bus station , bank , piano , school , clock )

⑷____________ _____________( swim , run , garden , put , learn , neighbor )

⑸____________ _____________( window , kitchen , second , chair , door , table )

2、 play which be shelf talk


1) How many __________ are ther in the library ?

2) Look ! Kangkang ____________ the piano .

3) _________ is the way to the post office ?

4) There __________ a lamp , a computer , somen books and so on .

5) Thye usually __________ about their school life .


假设你是Jane , 请以My School Life为题写一段短文。(提示词一定要用,开头已给出)

提示次:interesting , classes begin , favorite subject , after school , play basketball , get home , have dinner , watch TV , go to bed

Hi ! I am Jane .__________________________________________________________________








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