




A:What do you think of our price? 你觉得我们的价格如何?

B: Your price has gone up sharply , hasnt it? 我们的价格已经大幅度上涨了,不是吗?

A: Yes. We regret we cannot maintain our original price. Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, we have to adjust the price of our products accordingly. 是的,很遗憾我们不可以保持原价了。因为原材料价格上涨,我们不可以不对产品的价格做出对应的调整。

B: I agree with you there, but your price is unreasonable. 这我同意,但是,你们的价格是不合理的。

A: I dont think so. You must compare our price with that of other export houses. Im sure our offer is in line with the prevailing market price level. 我不这么觉得。你一定要比较下我们的价格和其他出口公司的价格。我确信我们提出的价格满足市场的价格。

B: I dont think we will be able to pay the price. To have this business concluded, you need to lower your price at least by 3%. 我觉得我们不可以支付那个价格。为了达成这笔生意,你至少应该将价格降低3%。

A: Im afraid that there is no room for any reduction in price. 恐怕没有再减价的余地了。

B: Dont you agree with me that in the long run, moderate prices will bring about large sales and more profits ? 我觉得从长远考虑,公道的价格会增多销售量,以此得到更多的利润,难道你不这么觉得吗?

A: Weve already cut down our price to cost level. 我们已经把价格降到成本价了。

B: Is that all? 只可以这样了吗?

A: Yes, this is the best we can do. 是的,这是我们的最低价了。

B: Im sorry we cant handle the price you offered. 很抱歉,我们没办法接受你们提供的价格


Nice to meet you again

Me too


what to you see


A:Welcome to our Sunday TV show. As usual, let me introduce myself first. I am Kevin. And my favorite TV stat is Kevin. It’s me. I am only joking. Now, let’s begin our TV show. Today we will talk about people’s entertainment. John, what kind of movies do you like?

B:Well, I like comedies best. And my favorite comedy is Mr. Bean. Rowan Atkinson is my favorite movie star.

A: How about you, C?

C: I like science fiction movies best. I think science is very useful. A: I like science fiction movies too. Do you like it, D?

D: En, I prefer cartoons. They are very funny.

A: Cartoons are also very good. Now the second question is, what’s your favorite book?

B: I like novels very much. And Chales Dickens is my favorite author. His ‘ Oliver Twist’ is my favorite book.

A: You, C?

C: Poetry is my favorite. Shelley is my favorite poem. A: Shelley is a romantic poem. D, What’s your favorite?

D: I like biographies. I know many famous people from reading biographies.

A: At last, What’s your favorite sport?

B: Tennis. I can play it well. And Roger Federer is my favorite athlete. He is a great athlete. He has got many champion.

C: I am a volleyball fan. Playing volleyball is my hobby.

D: I like volleyball, too. Shall we have a march later, C?

C: That’s great. I think it will be exciting.

A: That’s the end of our special TV show for today. Goodbye! Have a nice day!








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