


Look For Friendship In Cyberspace

In so many ways,cyberspace 1 mirrors the real world.People ask for information,play games,and share hobby tips.Others buy and sell products.Still others look for friendship,or even love.

Unlike the real world,however,your knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen.Identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace.Rather,a persons thoughts-or at least the thoughts they type—are what really count.So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star2.

Usually,thisfacelesscommunication doesnt create problems.Identity doesnt really matter when youre in a chat room discussing politics or hobbies.In fact,this emphasis on the ideas themselves makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation.Where else can so many people come together to chat?

But some Internet users want more than just someone to chat with.Theyre looking for serious love relationships.Is cyberspace a good place to find love?That answer depends o


1.The application of artificial intelligence to agriculture is much more challening than to most other industries.

2.The pressure for quick results leads to product failure,which,in turn,arouses doubts about the applicability of AI technology.


1.It involves the coordination of both their mental and physical health.

2.It represents their ability to actively interact with other people.

3.It indicates they have an ability more remarkable than crawling and walking.

4.It shows they have abilities.


Any area that is sufficiently different from your current worldview will feel threatening.

And the best place to ponder a threatening idea is a non-threationing environment.

Understanding the truth of a situation is important,but so is remaining part of a tribe.


1.It is a more comprehensive measure of peoples economic well-being.

2.It can compare a country s economic conditions between different periods of time.

3.They may become exhausted by making too many decisions for themselves.

4.They refrain from trying something new.


A cake with a lit candle,

Presents with ribbons and bows,

A bike with pink, glittery1 handles,

A little girl who grows and grows.

What will you wish for, my love,

On this, your very special day?

Send your wish to God above.

It will come true if you pray.

As you blow out the candle, my dear,

Ill make a wish for you too.

Ill whisper it so you wont hear,

That way I know it will come true.

My wish for you is like sunshine,

Warm, cheery, and full of delight,

My wish is the starlight, soothing2 and fine,

Which lights up the dark, dreary3 night.

May God follow you always,

May the path always be clear,

And may you have a happy birthday

This day and all through the years.








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