


1.They deliver pollutants from the ocean to their nesting sities.

2.They travel as far as four hundred kilometers in search of food.

3.How the relationship is to be defined if any one is missing.

4.They create a lot of opportunities for the unemployed.



1. C) Herclaim has been completely disregarded.

2. A)The ground floor of their cottage was flooded.

3. D) Thewoman’s failure to pay her house insurance in time.

4. A) Filea lawsuit against the insurance company.

5. B) Theydisagree about the future of AI technology.

6. C) Lesstime-consuming and focusing on creation.

7. B) Digitallife could be replace human civilization.

8. D) Itwill be smarter than human beings.

9. B) Saveone fifth of their net monthly income.

10. A)Start by doing something small.

11. C) Aproper mindset.

12. B) Shefound her outfit inappropriate.

13. A) Tosave the trouble of choosing a unique outfit every day.

14. C) Itmatters a lot in jobs involving interaction with others.

15 D) Dowhatever is possible to look smart.

16. A) Theirobsession with consumption.

17. B) Thingsthat cost less money.

18. A) They serve multiple purposes.

19. C) Over 百分之10 of the respondents lied about the distancethey drove.

20. C) Theywanted to protect their reputation.

21.B) They seem intuitive.

22. D)Older peoples aversion to new music.

23 A)They no longer listen to new music.

24.D) The more you experience sth, the better youll appreciate it.

25.D) Teenagers are much more sentimental.


1. C) Herclaim has been completely disregarded.

听力原文:Im getting a little fed up with my calls about my claim beingcompletely disregarded.


2. A) Theground floor of their cottage was flooded.

听力原文:The entire ground floor of our cottage was submerged in water.


3. D) Thewoman’s failure to pay her house insurance in time.

听力原文:the bizarre technical detail that you mentioned refers to the fact thatyou hadnt paid house insurance the month before the incident


4. A) Filea lawsuit against the insurance company.

听力原文:and that your company has a lawsuit on its hand. You will be hearing frommy lawyer


M: Goodmorning, safe house insurance. My name is Paul. How can I help you today?

W: Morning? I wouldnt say that its a good from where I am standing.This is Ms. Wilson, and this is the third time Ive called this week sincereceiving your letter about our insurance claim. (1) Im getting a littlefed up with my calls about my claim being completely disregarded.

M: Ms. Wilson, thank you for calling back. Can I take some details tohelp me look at your claim?

W: Its Ms. May Wilson of 15 South sea road in Cornwall. And the detailsare that our village was extensively flooded two months ago. (2) The entireground floor of our cottage was submerged in water. And five of us havebeen living in a caravan ever since. Youpeople are still with holding the money we are entitled to over a bizarretechnical detail and its not acceptable, Paul.

M: Ms. Wilson, according to the notes on your account, (2) the bizarretechnical detail that you mentioned refers to the fact that you hadnt paidhouse insurance the month before the incident.

W: That money left our account. And now that you should be paying out,you are suddenly saying that you didnt receive it on time. Im reallyskeptical about this claim.

M: Thecontract does say that any missed payment in a year will affect the terms andconditions of the insurance contract and may affect claims. Of course, I canpause you onto my manager to talk to you more about this.

W: Ive already spoken to him and you can tell him Im furious now, andthat your company has a lawsuit on it hand. You will be hearing from my lawyer.Goodbye.


1.How powerless humans appear to be in face of natural diseaters.

2.How the negative impacts of natural diseaters can be reduced.

3.Pay back their loans to the American government .

4.Provide loans to those in severe financial difficulty.

5.Fresh air.


1.Daydreams did better than non-daydreamers in task performance.

2.They can become less motivated to do projects of their own.

3.It was written,directed,edited and produced

by Frankie himself.

4.It may harm the culture of todays workplace.

5.Infants behaviours.








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