八上英语第一单元2d课文原文? Section A 2d Rick:Hi,Helen. Long time no see. Helen:Hi,Rick. Yes,I was on vacation last month. Rick:Oh,did you go anywhere interesting? Helen:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick:Wow!...
Section A 2d
Rick:Hi,Helen. Long time no see.
Helen:Hi,Rick. Yes,I was on vacation last month.
Rick:Oh,did you go anywhere interesting?
Helen:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family.
Rick:Wow!Did you see H uangguoshu Waterfall?
Helen:Yes,I did.It was wonderful!We took quite a few photos there. What about you?Did you do anything special last month?
Rick:Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.
朋友家有一只猫咪,金黄的皮毛,见了人总是怯怯的,一双大眼睛闪烁着拘谨与不安。我随手拿起一只玩具熊逗它,它没有表现出一只90天大猫咪应有的顽皮与好奇,似乎弄清了我没有敌意后才渐渐投入游戏中来。 朋友把它从地上抱起,向我讲起了它离奇的故事。
八上英语第一单元sectionb2b仿写作文What’s more, I think friends are an important part of one’s health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don’t. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends
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八上英语第一单元2d课文原文? Section A 2d Rick:Hi,Helen. Long time no see. Helen:Hi,Rick. Yes,I was on vacation last month. Rick:Oh,did you go anywhere interesting? Helen:Yes,I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick:Wow!...
我的家乡因风筝而闻名的英语作文? There are all kinds of kites and kite products in my hometown. Every household can make kites. Kites are the inheritance of ancient culture in our hometown. My hometown is famous for kites. We love kit...
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