




华宇考试网英语口语开口篇Unit4 Unit11笔记?

华宇考试网英语口语开口篇 Lesson 4:Identifying Objects这是什么 0401 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 What is this? 这是什么? What Whose where What's that? What are these? What are those? 0402 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 It‘s a cocktail. 这是鸡尾酒。 It‘s a notebook computer. It's a laptop computer. notebook computer desktop computer 0403 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 It?s a mixed alcoholic drink. 就是一种混合而成的酒。 What‘s the notebook computer? Note book is a kind of computer. Squirrel is an animal. Swallow is a bird. What‘s mango? Mango is a kind of fruit. What‘s coke? It‘s a kind of drink. It's a kind of soda. What's cocktail? It's a mixed of alcoholic drink. 0404 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 Pardon? 什么? I’m a programmer. Pardon? I beg your pardon. I work with computer and I made computer programs. And people call me programmer. What did you buy yesterday? Well, I bought an cardigan. Pardon? Cardigan? Well, it‘s a kind of sweater that opens at the front. What is it? It‘s a CD. What is the CD? It is a kind of Cassette Disc that can store a lot of data information. Oh, this is a storing device. Something like that. What is Jiaozi? It‘s a kind of food eaten by Chinese people during the Spring Festival. It's a kind of pastry. It's a kind of dish. It's a kind of staple food. 0405 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 Whose notebook is that? 那是谁的笔记本? Whose notebook is it? 0406 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 It is not mine. It may belong to Jessie. 不是我的。可能是Jessie的吧。 Sorry, I don‘t know. It‘s not mine. Yours his hers theirs Whose overcoat is it? It‘s mine. It's ours. It's his. Whose DV is this? It belongs to me. belongings 财产 All these fixed assets belong to a HongKong investor. His music belongs to the pop music. His music belongs to the classical music. It‘s my belonging. 0407 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 Up to now nobody has claimed the suitcase. 到目前还没人认领这个行李箱。 claim sth = say sth. I won‘t claim credit for it. claim that He claimed that he is a headmaster. He claimed that he is a reporter. He claimes that the wallet belongs to him. The big fire claimed many lives. Will you claim the watch? 0408 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 Where is your umbrella? 你的雨伞在什么地方儿? Where is it? Where is he? Where is your raincoat? Where are your rainboots? 0409 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 It‘s behind the door. 在门后。 It‘s behind the cabinet. He always hides behind his father. in front of sb. / sth. Where is the basketball? It‘s in front of the box. It‘s on the left hand of ... It's on the right hand of .... It‘s above. It‘s over. It‘s on my head. It‘s beneath. It‘s below. The boat is bellow the bridge. 0410 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 I looked for my wallet everywhere but I couldn‘t find it. 我到处找我的钱包,但没有找到它。 Sorry, I couldn‘t find it. look for 找寻 find 找到 I looked for my wallet but I couldn‘t find it. discover 发现 0411 Lesson Four Identifying Objects这是什么 You must have left it in your office. 你一定是把它落在办公室了。 I left my umbrella in the taxi. I left my suitcase in the office. Ok, I‘ll leave it. I‘ll leave it with you. You must have done sth. Are you lying? You must have hit the bars. 0412 Lesson Four Identifying Objects 这是什么 Please look for it in the hotel lost-and-found office. 请前往酒店失物招领处找找。 My camera is gone. Is it possible you put it on your bed? No, I looked for it everywhere, but I couldn't find it. Ok, let‘s go check at the lost-and-found office. 0413 Lesson Four Identifying Objects 这是什么 Do you remember where you misplaced it? 你还记得不小心放哪儿了吗? 0414 Lesson Four Identifying Objects 这是什么 Can you describe your blouse? 能描述一下你的衬衣吗? Can you describe your camera?


我只说一个…我今天才去续费华宇考试网的外教1v1orz 800一节课,一节课两个小时。老师是米国人。很温柔~都是很耐心等我说完了再给我指出错误。有一个负责授课的外教,还有一个是负责改我作业的助教老师。









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