


First of all, our society is developing rapidly, and the requirements for jobs have changed gradually. Previously, people can finish their job as long as they master a skill. But now, situations have changed. Computer skill, language ability and knowledge about law are needed for an employee, which helps them go further in their career.


One day,my mother buy me a bicycle,I feel very glad.I tell my mother I want to ride this bicycle.This is I first ride bicycle,I can not ride it for long.OH!My god! I fall down the bicycle.I feel very bad.But I want to ride it again.I fall down it again. time after time ,I can ride it .I feel very happy!


  In order to conscientiously carry out the instructions on the safety and management of the school to do a good job in the school, the implementation of the school's major safety accident emergency rescue plan of the relevant requirements, peace road primary school in 20XX November 25 held a fire drill.

  In a sharp siren, the fire escape exercise officially began. In the face of the atmosphere of tension, in the teacher's orderly organization, we covered his mouth with a wet towel, cat waist forward, the evacuation process is not congested in the shortest possible time to evacuate to the safe area. From the discovery of dangerous to the safe evacuation, and then to the number of people, the entire escape process and small teachers and students trained, standardized and orderly


Brief introduction Denmark 1932 78 years old “Leg GOdt” Play well I collect; I gather; I learn! Timeline 1932 Produced its 1st toy 1951 Wooden ? Plastic LEGO Bricks 1954 LEGO system 1968 1st LEGO land Top 10 toy company Ole Kirk Christiansen LEGO Bricks Development The series of castle 1978The first one of this series 1985 1995 2023 Link to fashion Some crazy creations LEGO Land Some crazy creations Model of some famous architectures 70 thousands of LEGO Bricks 1372 LEGO people


Although our country resources, abundant natural resources. But, you know? All these are not enough, more important is to pay attention to environmental protection!

  I think the government should advocate environmental protection, more involved in environmental protection, contribute to environmental protection, organize environmental protection is the most critical. You said, is it?


This is my best friend Mary.She is nine years old.She usually wears a white T-shirt and a pink skirt.And she likes dancing.She usually dances with me after school.Whats more,she is hard-working and often helps me with my study.We are good friends.








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