


1、《I miss you my friend》

I miss you my friend, I miss you my friend.朋友我想你了,朋友我想你了

Oh, long time no see, 好长时间不见了

Oh, how are you doing你还好吗?

I miss you my friend, I miss you my friend 朋友我想你了,朋友我想你了

2、《Ten red balloons》

Ten red balloons hanging on the wall.墙上挂着十个红气球

Ten red balloons hanging on the wall墙上挂着十个红气球

One red balloon flies away一个红气球飞走了

And nine red balloons hanging on the wall.墙上还挂着九个红气球

Nine red balloons hanging on the wall墙上挂着九个红气

Nine red balloons hanging on the wall 墙上挂着九个红气球

One red balloon flies away一个红气球飞走了

And eight red balloons hanging on the wall墙上还挂着八个红气球

Eight red balloons hanging on the wall墙上挂着八个红气球

Eight red balloons hanging on the wall墙上挂着八个红气球

One red balloon flies away 一个红气球飞走了

And seven red balloons hanging on the wall墙上还挂着七个红气球。


Apple 苹果

A B C Abc歌

Cradle Song 摇篮曲

Good Night 晚安

Went To School One Morning 早上我去上学

Smile 微笑

Ding Dong Bell 叮咚钟

Fly Fly Butterfly 蝴蝶飞

Sleeping 睡觉

Round The Way 日以继夜

This is The Way 这是方式

Ballons 气球

What's This 这是什么

Bell 响铃

Day Of The Week 一个星期的每一天

Just For You 只为你

Hush,Little Baby 静寂,小婴孩

All The Pretty Little Horses 全部相当小的马

Mr.Sun 阳光先生

Autumn Lullaby 秋日的样篮曲

Yankee Doodle 美国人乱画

One Two Buckle My Show 一二自我展示

My Brothday And I 我的哥哥和我

Clap Hands拍拍手

Auld Lang Syne 友谊地久天长

Apple Tree 苹果树

Good Morning 早上好

By The Beach 在海滩

Donkey Donkey 驴子驴子

Music Box 音乐盒

Making Shapes 造形歌

The Happy Song 幸福之歌

Five Little Ducks 五只小鸭子

Rain Rain Go Away 小雨小雨请走开

Follow Me,Hands Up 跟我做,举手

Once I Caught A Fish Alive 我曾活捉过一条鱼

Sing A Song 唱一首歌

Cleaning The House 打扫房子

Long Long Ago 很久很久之前

Are You Sleeping 你在睡觉吗

Hickory Dickory Dock 滴哆嘀哆滴

Pack Up Your School Bag 收拾书包

Sleep Baby Sleep 睡吧小宝贝

Hush,Little Baby 安静,小宝贝

Oh Christmas Tree 噢,圣诞树

Teddy Bear 玩具嘛

The Family 家庭

Rain Rain Go Away 雨呀!快离开

The Aunts 蚂蚁

Reach For The Sky 触摸到天空

Rock A Bye Baby 摇着宝宝睡觉

Fly,birdie Fly 飞,小鸟飞

Sea Shell 海壳

I Love The Mountains 我爱山

Ten Fat Sausages 十条肥香肠

I Had A Little Nut Tree 我有一颗小果树

The Bear Went Over The Mountain 小熊翻过山

The Bus 大巴 15 The Finger Family 手指家庭

The More We Get Toghter 当我们同在一起

The Seasons 季节

Three Blue Pigeons 三只蓝色的鸽子

My Bonnie 健美的我

Twinkle Twikle Little Star 一闪一闪的小星星

Wanderer 鞭子

Where is Thumbkin 指甲套哪去啦?

Whose Puppy is This 这是谁的小狗?

Under The Spreading Chestnut Tree 在板栗树的树荫底下








发布于:中宇考试网(https://edu.china-share.com)>>> 英语培训栏目





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