


My School LifeI have a colourful school life.I go to school from Monday to Friday.I have four lessons in the morning and three lessons in the afternoon.Every day after school in the afternoon,it is time for out-of-class activities.We play games and do exercises.Then every Friday we have a small party.All students attend it.We have an English Speaking Competition,singing and dancing competition at the party.We all have fun.我的学校生活我有着多姿多彩的学校生活。我星期一到星期五上学,上午四节课,下午三节课。每天下午放学后是我们的课外活动时间。我们玩游戏,做运动。每到星期五,我们有一个小派对,我们全体学生都参与。晚会上,我们举行英语演讲比赛和歌舞比赛。我们都玩得很开心。


I'm studying at No.1 Middle School. It's very clear and beautiful with many trees and flowers in it.There is a big swimming pool in my school,so I often go swimming after school. We have many different clubs and many out-of-class activities. I am a member of the music club. I like playing the guitar .Every Friday afternoon I also go to the English corner to practise speaking and listening to English. I like my school very much. I'm proud of it. I really enjoy my school life.


没有22世纪的生活英语作文80词,唯有After the 22nd century, robots are indispensable in our homes. We can do housework, make up lessons as teachers, and do shopping. We can only know the worlds affairs at home

Life in the 22st century will be different from life in the 22thcentury, because changes will take place in the new century, but what will the changes be?

People will work fewer hours than they did in the 22th century, and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Many more people will go to other countries for holidays.

Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.


My life after school is of colour and variety , get on the Internet , read a book , paint painting .These all are that I am fond of the thing composing after schoo


My life in 2050

My life in 2050 will be very different from the life today. We will have a robot in our house. It will do much homework instead of us. We willhave more free time to relax or to take holidays .And we will not go to school. We will have classes on line at home.People will live to be.200 years old.


Life stages

Everyone has five life stages.And I have got three.they are infancy childhood and adolescence.








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